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The Chevy Monza was born at just the wrong time, but fans keep the flame alive
månadsarkiv: april 2018
Pelles vita 1975 Monza
Fredriks 1975 Monza
Stefans 1975 Skyhawk
Lite info från Stefan om bilen:
“Buicken köptes 2001 utan motor och var riktigt dålig. Sen gjordes den i ordning av mig sonen. Vi fick tag på en V6 turbomotor från en Regal -80 som vi satte i.
Den har varit utställd på Elmia Custom Motor Show 2003!
Bilen är eventuellt till salu, kontakta h-body.se så förmedlar vi kontakten
Jacos 1975 Monza (Polen)
Så här skriver Jaco om sin Monza:
Hello Per,
I would like to get in touch with Chevy Monza owners in Europe. I live in Poland and from what I know I am the only owner of Chevy Monza in my country.
My car is Chevrolet Monza 2 + 2 year 1975, V8 engine 4.3 liter ( 262 cui). It is fully factory-made, has a 3-speed automatic and air conditioning system, repaired bodywork and varnish, color is factory-compatible, has original upholstery, I send a few photos.
Greetings and I am happy to make contact!
Jaco “Chevy Monza”
I apologize for the language, I am using Google translator because my English is very weak.